Approximately 12 - 24 Months
1:6 Ratio
Explorers & Travelers
ECLA has two Toddler classrooms, both holding a maximum of 12 toddlers with a 1/6 teacher/student ratio. By having two classrooms we can split our toddlers up into two developmental groups. There is a big difference between what a younger one-year-old and an older one-year-old can do and we strive to meet each child's needs!
When your toddler is dropped off in the Explorers or Travelers classroom, parents and teachers will discuss any concerns or events that the teacher should be aware of. It is the job of both the parent and teacher to help the child make the transition. At this age, toddlers are very aware that they are being separated from their parent, and this can lead to the most difficult transitions. There may be tears, but we will make sure that your child is well taken care of and quickly involved in classroom activities to keep them engaged.
Toddlers in the Explorers classroom begin to explore solid foods and feeding themselves. Our Navigators are solid food stars and enjoy all foods cut up small. These are important developmental skills. This is a messy process so please make sure to send extra changes of clothes (and bibs) for your little one. We will help teach how to sit at a table, hold utensils and drink from a sippy cup.
Our toddlers usually sleep for about two to two-and-a-half hours. Everyone has their own individual cots and sheets to nap on. Feel free to send in a small pillow and blanket and/or stuffed animal to make nap time easier. Our children are so engaged and busy throughout the day that they usually have no problems taking an afternoon nap.
Diapers are checked constantly throughout the day. Each child's diaper will be changed immediately as needed. Singing, talking, and interacting with a child during diapering is important for a child's development. After diapering each child, the teacher will wash both their hands as well as your little one's hands and sanitize the entire diaper changing area. You will get a notification via our parent communication app that will let you know when to bring in more diapers/wipes for your child. If your child is ready to begin potty training we will work together to help your little one learn. Toilets and sinks in both the Explorers and Navigators classrooms are low to the ground to help transition from diaper to potty! Let the fun begin!
So much learning happens at this age! Our teachers are busy interacting with each child as they learn through play and hands on experiences. Our toddlers are engaged with dramatic play, art work, building blocks, verbal language acquisition, and learning to do things for themselves. It doesn't get much more exciting than that!
Teachers will share information about the child's day with their parents. This is also a time for transition from teacher to parent.